For every body

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Join the movement: Share your insights and help us build a community focused on inclusive health.
Our Mission
Optimize nutrition and enhance health equity.  

Our objective is to empower users to make informed choices on their own terms.

Fundamentally, most of us are disconnected from where our food comes from. The impact of our dietary choices on the environment, indigenous communities, local economies, and our personal well-being can be complex and unclear. Let's dismantle this obstacle together, aiming to enhance the lives of everyone.

Support our efforts by sharing the wigwag app, watching the in-app ads, and subscribing to our YouTube channel @wigwag-ai.


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18-34 years of age reported the presence of at least one chronic health condition.


Of that population, reported the coexistence of multiple chronic condition.

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Join the Waitlist
By transforming inquiries into personalized, informed, and actionable goals, wigwag empowers individuals to be healthier on their own terms.